Friday, March 28, 2008

Knit Now, Suicide Later

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time sitting around wondering what I'm should do with myself. You know, occupationally. I could work at Giant, be a nanny, or go back to Japan and write a book, but the fact of the matter is, I'd much rather sit on my butt all day reading newspapers and knitting. This doesn't really get you out of the house much though. I'm reminded of a saying a resident hottie in my freshman dorm (Yeah, I'm talking to you Dave) loved to recite, "You can sleep when your dead." Ah, puppy love. Anyways, so now I'm telling myself I can knit when I'm old and house-bound, but who's to say that when I'm up there in years I wont have crippling arthritis of the hands? What if I can't knit anymore!? Oh, the wasted years! I think I might just be forced to stab myself with my useless knitting needles.

You can sleep when you're dead, but you can't knit when you're arthritic. Knit now, suicide later.

On a side note, says I'm more desired than 50% of all people. Now, if you take into account that about 51% of all people are actually women, then you could say I'm one of the most desired women in the world (right next to the lesbian-inducing Nicole Kidman). So then why don't I have a date for the b-day? Easy, the ugos are keeping me down.

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